Vastu Shastra tips for nameplates
- October 16, 2020
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“A nameplate is as significant to your home as a ‘tikka’ is on your forehead” quotes a Vastu Shastra and astrology expert.
Just like the main door welcomes people into your houses, it also welcomes their energies, vibes and auras. Opportunities won’t be able to discover you, if your house lacks a distinct identity of its own. A nameplate should depict more than just your name. It should present your individuality with a unique style.
For the nameplate to manifest positivity and harmony, the materials should be chosen wisely. What’s more, is that the Vastu of your house is heavily influenced by the direction it faces. So if the door is in the north or west direction, a metallic nameplate is suggested to align with the energy which prevails in that direction. In contrast, if the door is in the south or east direction, a wooden name plate is to be chosen for the same. The entrance of your home should be embellished with God’s presence, with sacred portraits or elegant statues of Ganesh or sanctified signs of Om or the holy swastiks or just gracing it with some Shloks.
Personalized nameplates are in vogue
Personalized nameplates is the trend of modern-day home owners. Nameplate designs reflect the interest of family members and aligns with the theme which best encapsulates their passion. It can also be fashioned to portray their profession, the artistic aesthetics of which rests with the caliber of the designer. The trend began with a simple crafting of a surname on the nameplate, then the trend transpired to inscribing their family name which eloped the names of the members in the family in an artistic spectacle. Pets are no exception to this. The trend has evolved into the inclusion of family photos being framed on the nameplate. History has witnessed the age old tradition of great fortresses being entitled with their own name, for they possessed a distinct identity which reflected the demeanour of the lord. The modern era still carries on this legacy where owners name their bungalows, villas, row houses and apartments with their own name, which are then artistically crafted on the nameplate.
“An attractive nameplate is pivotal, for they govern your first impression. They dictate what’s going to meet the eye” quotes one home-maker from Mumbai.
With Dsignz, our CEO and lead designer, Ms. Dimple Pandhi has been critically acclaimed for her work and has been honoured with rave reviews for her quick grasp on the artistic demands of clients. Her prolonged experience in this field accelerates the work in terms of meeting the requirements, may it be design, font or material. Her dexterous craft replicates the approved design pristinely, perfected to the last polish.
Tips for putting up a nameplate at the entrance
- The laws of Vastu propound that opportunities are drawn towards houses whose main doors and adjoining walls possess a nameplate, which depict the name of their family members
- Prosperity is destined to thrive on houses which have a distinct identity of their own, it emanates a positive energy which is favored by Vastu.
- Well-being will prevail on the condition that the plate’s confines should be suitable to inscribe one’s name or surname.
- Similarly, the denoted number of the house should be placed at a foot or two away
- The spacing should not be bound with congestion.
- The main door should compliment the design on the nameplate, so they appear interlaced and be unified for the aura to radiate.
- To ensure the visibility is not obscured by darkness, the plate should be well illuminated.
- The artistic complexity should be present but shouldn’t cast a shadow on simplicity, keep it innovative but simple.
- A balance should be scaled between intricate designs and simplicity, so the plate doesn’t burden the eye with overloaded complex designs and to be ultimately deemed meaningless
- The design should convey a message, whether it is quintessential cemetery of two sides or conflicting duality, idea is to portray an artistic spectacle and deliver a message.
- Once again, dexterous calligraphy is the whetstone which sharpens the creatively.
- Sparking cleanliness should be prioritized too.
Name of your House | Vastu for Home Name Plate
It’s all in the name
Entitling the house with a name is looked upon as an omen which harnesses good luck. The trend of naming your house is rising to popularity amongst owners. It is admired as a gesture of welcome for the guests invited to your residence. Guests may amiss your address if they struggle to locate your residence. Vastu states this as a sign of lost opportunity. So Vastu suggests that a house can escalate it’s attractiveness by entitling it with an angelic name. This can be achieved by the help of a house sign on the entrance to indicate a warm welcome.
In the western culture there’s a popular trend to entitle their houses with a theme. This theme can vary on the range of wildlife, destination, natural, etc. Example Rose Cottage, Willow lake, Anchors Away, Ocean Overlook. Parallelly Indian people are more susceptible to title their house with names inspired after holy deities, sacred rivers or religious figures. As they believe them to be the agents of luck. Also because they believe they’ll shower them with their blessings and restore peace in their residence.
Consider the following points before naming your home: Vastu for nameplate
1) The name you entitle your house with should be unique. Steer clear of names which are already taken.
2) The name can have elements of modernism in it, but it shouldn’t lose its meaning in the process.
3) The meaning should bear relevance to its meaning.
4) Choose a name which possesses a distinctive characteristic of your individuality.
5) The Calligraphy shouldn’t be daunting to decipher by the reader.
6) The meaning should align with the theme of positivity for it to radiate a positive aura.
7) The colour palette should be chosen with respect to the direction it faces.
8) Similarly the material should heed to the norms of directions itself. Metallic nameplates are deemed favorable.
All things can be explained with the aid of science. Similarly there are certain laws which govern the Vastu which surround your house. A set of things which are favourable and unfavourable.
Caligraphy ( Simran Raheja & lotus)
A nameplate ensures that the house has its own unique distinct identity. Names give significance and relevance to things and also judge their importance. A nameless thing is deemed meaningless, as it bears no relevance to what it is supposed to signify. It determines its purpose. It’s secondary purpose is to channelize positive energy in your house. When that happens it will extract the negativity from the house, binding you with an optimistic outlook in life. Your impression is judged from the first sight of your home. If the impression is lackluster, it fades the charms which follow. It’s like a game of dominos. It takes one to topple all the rest.
The style that you desire to fashion your house with, serves as an element of ornamentation towards your house.
Like everything nameplates possess a vast spectrum of options, which can be modern, philosophical, conceptual or they can depict the deity you worship.
The exquisite artistry on the nameplate can create an immaculate first impression. Garnering attention which ultimately leads to respect for your choice of creativity. What’s more it could portray a gesture of welcome, a silent greeting from a visual spectacle. It can emanate a warm feeling, which also exudes your charismatic charms.
Put your name on the door
Owning a house is not enough, it should bear it’s own individuality. What draws the line of distinction between property and a house is a nameplate. Giving your house a personal touch, amplifies your personality. It channelizes a positive aura which flourishes the prosperity of your house.